Monday, February 28, 2011

Long Dong Silver Bilder


... but it's not that we are two souls in search of a place to find and be ourselves?
do not know, but when I'm with you is so nice that the words take roads sudden, unexpected, sometimes twisty ... everything is so complicated, I would throw myself, I would like to be loved, I would understand if there is to understand the end is so clear.
I'm afraid that my perseverance in this story becomes diabolical.
But either disappear or I let things continue to go well.
E 'a tragic dilemma.

Can You Import Slingshots Into Australia

said sincerely ...

behind ... I can not stay there! This month wrote a lot and have read everything and company!
excuse me is not it?

Where To Buy Strong Magnet In Las Vegas

I miss you to death

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baralgin Mode Of Action

Close your eyes, and
think I'm close you.
Close your eyes and listen
hear the sound of your heart
telling you that will not stop dreaming;
hear the sound of your fears
that will tell you that the light is coming.
And you will feel a chill on the skin,
down my spine,
way up the neck,
where you kissed.
Behold, I am.
There is silence, it's true:
but I'm kissing your soul.
And you, still trembling. I love

Derivatives Questions, Interviews

goddess of hope I still believe in you

I believed in love when you feel every minute of my day.
I believed in love when everything I did, I did it for you.
I believed in love, when in the evening, I ran to you, only to lose myself in your eyes.
I believed in love, when you embraced, talked of dreams and eternal love.
I believed in love, when the last time I heard I said I love you
I believed in love, when you do not find you, I prayed to God
I believed in love, do not despair when we see you, I shook my heart.
I believed in love, when I ran from you, great in that room and I saw you with her eyes full of tears.
I believed in love, in me when I said has nothing to do, you.
I believed in love, why do not you need my forgiveness or my words, but my arms and my love.
I believed in love, when I thanked God that you came back home.
I believed in love, when you could not speak and have not tried.
I believed in love, head high when I said that to admit a mistake is never shameful.
I believed in love, when I was waiting for your phone call, with the dream to tell you simply: how are you?
I believed in love, when every morning, as years spent under your window, to tell you: Good morning, Princess!
I believed in love, when they told me not to call anymore.
I believed in love, even when I was waiting, consoling my heart and my tears.
I believed in love, even when I did not have more words and dreams cling to.
I believed and believe in love even now ... because I do not want to do is love you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Herpes Outbreak And Exercises

has been a week since I heard your voice
for the last time.
moment and does not pass without looking inside me
the sound of your words,
the taste of your lips,
and the pain of my tears.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moss Green Cardigan Sweater

Even today I have sought ...
today I waited for you ...
today ... I'm here to ask you ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Standing Fan Serviette Folding Instructions

Call Today For still love

still love
Call me Call me What
always love this damn night
will even finish, because the
fill us from here
music and words;

write ...

Pot Leaves Nails Nails

} {} ♥ My little bunny Tilda

Hello dear!

Yeah ... I spent 6 days, from
' last post ... there are emotions that have no words!

I miss you ...

A 'preview ... a tender Bunny Tilda "winged"
my habit ...
linen cut to live in purity ... shabby style, apparent shortcomings, this style suits me ...

's idea, Baptism Favors, Communion ...

She is the first of a sweet group of girlfriends,
protagonists of a soft shooting next spring ... and more ...

I like to hear from you ... on the fabric, colors, on the wings ...

*** ** *** ****** **** **** ***** ****
Dedicated to children and ... not only

from the movie "Stars on earth"

on Mother Earth have sprouted new stars,
been able to look at things with their eyes,
thought differently
and bystanders do not accept and have hampered ...
but they have come out winning to the point that ...
the world was amazed!

Good evening, Anna.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Invitation Letter For Festival

you ... you're back home

I'm glad you came back home ...
qst song is for you,
because I would tell you that I was there,
because I would tell you that there are, and why I would like to wrap
of kisses ...

"and change the sadness of tears in

bright smiles ... you smile and will

the taste of
sweetest kiss and a hug will warm
a moon of a sentence and then surprise you that those

my skin will treat yourself to your desires

the magic of the stars "

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gsphone Fire Red Cheats

{breathe the 'air ... waiting ... and live spring

Happy Thursday my dear!

Sun, chirping, smell of hyacinths and spring flowers in the house ...

'm wondering how to celebrate my birthday very close.

In Provence for sure,
but not now ... I must first collect all the info on where
how, when, what do you suggest ... that you
and then wait for the summer '...
where to expect there will be wonderful and intoxicating lavender fields!

image from the web

Festa trip? ... I'd go back to Bologna, Florence, Rome ....
or visit Liguria finally ...
and why not to 'spring edition of skill!
fair for us hobbyists ...

What undecided!

Meanwhile "fatigue" with my Nikon ...
not easy to get good results,
quarrel with the ISO ... here you accept suggestions

One thing is for sure though ... love you more and more photo ...
e. .. instead of terminating work,
game with my little corner of Spring
with its colors ...
shame not be able to give even its smells ....

** ** *** are like flowers .... ...... first to see the sun in the spring ... na nana ** *** ***

I may not skip over my head ... her cheek!

If I do not get distracted as well, soon I'll show
latest projects ... I just hope to assemble for little time ... I want ...
... ah yes ... spring is too lazy! It is for you? ...

Dolce day, Anna.

Why Feel Itchy After Hair Removal


It is just a corner of absolute relax to live with his family on cold winter evenings, but even in the summer with the breeze coming through the window: the Library !!!!! !

All together, in silence but with an awareness of our neighborhood, breathing in peace and harmony between tears and smiles!

In my dream home should not miss and I strazeppa of books, from those most soporific 'hilarious!!

These show that there are models that best reflect my taste!

The images thus' double decker: that's the lower deck (pictures sonoma but not found on the web!! This comes from below in particolre )

and that the upper!

Try it yourself, as I did, to combine the two environments for mentally create only one .......

You see it ??????? It's not 'beautiful ??????

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Absence Of Crevical Mucus Misscarriage

} {wooden boxes decorated

time to devote to my hobby is shrinking ...
this does not mean that I stop,
the contrary, are being accelerated ... which I already forseforse I:))

And so ... tea time or hobby time? ...
dare not choose
I will only give the right priorities ...
the rest will come ... I'm sure!

I decorated two new boxes in different sizes ...
designed to take what you like, a collection of filters your favorite tea,
ribbons, lace, buttons, clasps, jewelry ...

and if they become Favor?

Tea time

Hobbies time

As usual for more info on availability,
measures ... I refer you here

Kiss, Anna.

Vodka Effect Impotence

{} The winner is ...}. Spring


Finally here comes the name of the winner

163 comments ... I am happy:))
I can not find a perfect way to convey my enthusiasm with the words ...

to think of it ...
I insert a picture with my little girl smile happy
arms outstretched towards the 'top and feet off the ground ... nooo ...
I almost 40 years ...

'nuff said ... my dear readers .... the winner is ....

clear said ...

dearest anna, these days are hiding more than usual, but tonight I have a lot of trouble I resolved to try to repay at least some comments. and you, you're always so sweet to me, I could not not go! sorry, maybe I do not remember why I cast, but you really have inspired me?? uauu .. thanks .. and beautiful words to me .. I make lots of wishes for the beginning of this wonderful adventure (because it's just the beginning!) .. I run a link to your blog candy and cross my fingers for these wonderful letters shabby :-)))
kiss one

my little head decided to pause right now ...
let me just tell you that ... I like to think of writing


as a perfect gift for the 'opening of your

the random number assigned to you is the

Chiara, an issue of knowing your address! Thanks!
Girls say that I have already said ....
but it is nice to go around ... with wings under your feet ... Dadada da da dada from ...
Thank you all, Anna.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lcaky Of Crevical Mucus In Early Pregnancy

{time} {

Hello friends!

I know I'm ahead by 5 weeks,
but at home it is already spring, until hard ...
I peg away ...
photo, photo, photograph ...
unfortunately at this point I realize that you just want ... uffiii!

I'll make it ...?

****** ****** **** ***** ****** ***** ***** **

If you can be close to me,
and we can be different,

if the sun illuminates both
without our shadows overlap,
if we can be "us" in the midst of the world
and together with the world, cry, laugh, live.

if each day will find out what we
and not remember how we were,

if we are able to give us each other
without knowing who will be first and who last
if your body will sing with joy together is because my ...
Then you will love
and will not be in vain to expect much.

Pablo Neruda

you tomorrow with the name of the winner of my blog candy.
