Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Feel Itchy After Hair Removal


It is just a corner of absolute relax to live with his family on cold winter evenings, but even in the summer with the breeze coming through the window: the Library !!!!! !

All together, in silence but with an awareness of our neighborhood, breathing in peace and harmony between tears and smiles!

In my dream home should not miss and I strazeppa of books, from those most soporific 'hilarious!!

These show that there are models that best reflect my taste!

The images thus' double decker: that's the lower deck (pictures sonoma but not found on the web!! This comes from below in particolre )

and that the upper!

Try it yourself, as I did, to combine the two environments for mentally create only one .......

You see it ??????? It's not 'beautiful ??????


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