Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Clear Mucus Coming Out Of Cat Anus

{I celebrated my first 40 years

Today I feel light, happy!

well clear in mind what I want from life, I
well clear in mind, what makes me particularly happy,
what and who makes me feel good ... I want to do and what not ...
life is a 'sensational multi-faceted experience.

I can not know what awaits me,
in my trunk,
today it took me good things and some less beautiful ...

spend our lives trying to match the outside world to our expectations,
to our needs, desires ...
I am afraid that is not always a well expect to find what is right for us.

's birthday is a date to remember ...
March 9 has a sweet sound to me, family ...
praise him in the company of people I love!

inevitably slide into memories, time can not be stopped ...
but the memories, feelings, emotions ..... yeah!!

Lovely day, Anna.


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