Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Labeled Diagram Of Lice

Reflections and Photografy

Welcome girls!

Lately I find myself thinking about when I started to "post", the cause ...
and what it means to me "blogging".

The subtitle of my blog mentions has existed for many months:


In fact, looking at my post I have been faithful to this ... more or less ...
because my life, my passions are so much more .......

I spoke with a dear friend, she too feels the same things ... constantly changing situations in everyday life as the web,
sometimes evolve further retreat ...

I can not find the time as a time to devote to my favorite blogs ... I can not comment on them all.

I understand that this is no pleasure, I apologize to you ... (I try to reciprocate, even though over time)
feel the same too ... I find that to devote some free time to blog and host ...
that best represent this moment in my tastes,
my passions, states' mind ...
and maybe they do not spin at all :)... I also happen to you to get attached to friends "bloggher "?...

One thing is clear to me right from 'beginning ... feel free to post without stress,
to publish what I like, my everyday life, My thoughts, my photos, my creative hobbies ...
the bottom is not my blog?!

And as often happens, I live a series of coincidences, signs of fate or of attractions ...
yes, I believe certain things, people ... "Do you find" the right time,
thanks to a kind of antennas of emotions ... it is not beautiful?
Sharing is a big deal, as well as internet blogs are also important for this ...
not forget that behind the pc c 'is a real woman ... with my own fears, doubts ...
mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends ... Women!

There are women with a higher gear, I admire the determination, for the time and the work for you to devote their dreams, projects, skills, dispositions are realized ...
to all ... thanks!

I found this poem, I find
is beautiful here ... the public not to lose but especially for share it with my friends!

Time is too slow for those who wait,

too fast for those who fear,
too long for those who mourn,

too short for those who rejoices,
but for those who love,

time is eternity.

This post was created by the infinite thoughts that dwell in my little head, whether it is better
a blog niche, whether it is better this or that 'more ...
overcome shyness if the bottom has not been a great find ... if trust is good, it's better not to trust ...
if, if, if ...... who knows that is not the fault of the wind ...!

For this post I chose to publish photos of the ring as the American spring
c 'is always in need of softness and spring!

Lovely Home is Anna.

***** *** *** *** **** ***** ****
I'm back ... American Doughnut Recipe

Incorporates the pan-specific, higher than usual for donuts .-


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